Victorian Government announces reforms to gambling advertising

MEDIA RELEASE: Responsible Wagering Australia (RWA) welcomes the announcement by the Victorian Government that it will ban static wagering advertising on public transport and within close proximity of schools.
RWA has publicly called for a reduction in the volume of static gambling advertising that is readily viewable by minors, such as on public transport and in close proximity to schools.
These reforms were announced by the Victorian Government in August 2016 and were welcomed by RWA’s members. The Victorian Government also announced it intends to ban static wagering on roads and associated infrastructure like bridges, noise walls and embankments.
RWA’s Executive Director Stephen Conroy said the decision to ban static wagering advertising on roads goes significantly further than what was announced by government and has occurred without industry consultation. “I’m concerned this decision will unfairly disadvantage online wagering operators which don’t have a vast retail presence to rely on,” Mr Conroy said.
“I would encourage the Government to ensure that any changes to wagering advertising do not unfairly advantage retail operators and further distort competition in the sector.
“We look forward to seeing further details with the release of the Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2017 and will work constructively with the Victorian Government on this matter.”