RWA announces action on credit cards

RWA CEO, Brent Jackson, today provided evidence to the public hearing of the Inquiry into Regulation of the use of financial services such as credit cards and digital wallets for online gambling in Australia. Full text of RWA’s opening address is provided below:
As a policy-based body we want to achieve the best outcome for consumer protection. We think that the best way of achieving this is by committing to transparent discussion and actively working with stakeholders to make sure we provide the best outcomes.
Australia’s major online wagering operators will support development of measures to prohibit credit card wagering.
Responsible Wagering Australia members have agreed to develop a technical solution to deliver this reform in a timely fashion and will seek the assistance of banks and payment processing providers to ensure the change can be delivered without adverse unintended consequences.
Responsible Wagering Australia members acknowledge concerns expressed by policymakers and the community sector and will seek to develop measures which harmonise the online environment with gambling at clubs, pubs and casinos where credit card use is prohibited.
This measure will build on Australia’s strong consumer protection framework for online gambling.
Responsible Wagering Australia members recognise and respect community views on this issue and will work constructively on delivering this reform.
To ensure legal compliance, any agreement to implement the measures being developed is subject to relevant parties obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals, including ACCC authorisation.