Australian online wagering providers disappointed with QLD Gov announcement on tax

Australian online wagering providers disappointed with QLD Gov announcement on tax


Responsible Wagering Australia (RWA) is disappointed by the Queensland Government’s surprise decision to effectively increase the Point of Consumption tax rate from 15 per cent to 20 per cent and further broaden its tax base.

This decision, introduced without any consultation with the online wagering industry, would make the state’s taxes the highest across Australia.

This unilateral announcement was made without consultation with the online wagering industry, despite the Queensland Government being party to discussions between the Commonwealth, States and Territories on the creation and implementation of a unified national approach to wagering taxation and consumer protection law.

Such significant tax changes unfairly entrench the monopoly enjoyed by established and land-based wagering service providers at the expense of the new and emerging online industry. It will lead to serious impacts on the Queensland racing sector and jobs, whilst disproportionally affecting punters who choose online options.

This decision by the Queensland government sets back the development of a nationally harmonised approach to taxation and consumer protection in the online wagering industry, the creation of which would be of great benefit to both government, industry and consumers alike.